
The Christian Addict is a blog by me, a guy who, in addition to having porn issues, also has some approval and confidence issues.  I’m sharing personal information on this blog that, to be honest, hasn’t even been discussed yet with some of my closest family members and those who have witnessed my life.  Therefore, I have decided to remain somewhat anonymous, at least, for the time being.  I realize that this may be perceived as a cowardly decision, but if the blog turns out to be even a minor success and is helpful to others, I am definitely open to revealing my identity.

The goal of this blog is to help fellow believers who are struggling with an addiction of some kind.  It makes no difference if your addiction is to pornography, alcohol, drugs, or even to the approval of others.  Addictions are strongholds that, in my opinion, sap the spiritual power from the life of a Christian.

Where The Christian Addict goes in the future is left entirely up to God.  If He feels that I have something important to share, then I believe He will direct people to the blog.